An Ode To Black Women Everywhere
An Ode to Black Women…
Step into your GREATNESS and ✨shine✨ just the way you were created.
As we transition from “Black History Month” into “Women’s History Month”, I felt it was appropriate to articulate a well needed outpouring of LOVE for the B-L-A-C-K W-O-M-A-N. Share this lovingly and widely.
An Ode to Black Women Everywhere
You are Beautiful.
You are Strong.
You are Delicate.
You are Amazing.
You are Awesome.
You are Great.
…and I give thanks for your presence.
I give thanks to the source of your strength. I give thanks to YOU.
I send light and love to the crevices of your being that you hide from society. I send love and light to illuminate that beautiful being behind the mask you wear daily.
Sis, you are a work of art.
You are priceless.
You are valuable.
…and don’t you dare allow anyone to say otherwise.
Step into your GREATNESS and shine just the way you were created.
You don’t always receive your accolades…your credit…nor your kudos.
So please accept this ode to your GREATNESS as a gesture of the love you certainly deserve.
Reread this, Replay this, Share this as much as you need.
Appreciation, appreciates appreciation. Remember that.
Give thanks and pass this message forward.
Peace + Love Sis,
Zena C. | The GR8TNESS Router
Did you know? I penned an ebook titled “How To Remain Positive”? It’s a super quick read designed with you in mind. In this ebook, I highlight five (5) tried and true methods I personally use on a regular basis to assist with maintaining balance and a positive attitude.