An Ode To Black Women Everywhere

As we transition from “Black History Month” into “Women’s History Month”, I felt it was appropriate to articulate a well needed outpouring of LOVE for the B-L-A-C-K W-O-M-A-N. Share this lovingly and widely. [Audio Format Available]

An Ode to Black Women…

Step into your GREATNESS and ✨shine✨ just the way you were created.

As we transition from “Black History Month” into “Women’s History Month”, I felt it was appropriate to articulate a well needed outpouring of LOVE for the B-L-A-C-K W-O-M-A-N. Share this lovingly and widely.

An Ode to Black Women Everywhere

You are Beautiful.

You are Strong.

You are Delicate.

You are Amazing.

You are Awesome.

You are Great.

…and I give thanks for your presence.
I give thanks to the source of your strength. I give thanks to YOU

I send light and love to the crevices of your being that you hide from society. I send love and light to illuminate that beautiful being behind the mask you wear daily. 

Sis, you are a work of art.

You are valuable.

…and don’t you dare allow anyone to say otherwise.

You are priceless.

You are valuable.

…and don’t you dare allow anyone to say otherwise.

Step into your GREATNESS and shine just the way you were created.

You don’t always receive your accolades…your credit…nor your kudos.
So please accept this ode to your GREATNESS as a gesture of the love you certainly deserve. 

ZEMC with shades on looking off into the distance

Reread this, Replay this, Share this as much as you need. 

Appreciation, appreciates appreciation. Remember that.

Give thanks and pass this message forward.

Peace + Love Sis,
Zena C. | The GR8TNESS Router

tablet with the ebook How To Remain Positive Displayed


Did you know? I penned an ebook titled “How To Remain Positive”? It’s a super quick read designed with you in mind. In this ebook, I highlight five (5) tried and true methods I personally use on a regular basis to assist with maintaining balance and a positive attitude.

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Audio.Format, zenaisms, BE.LIVE Zena C. Audio.Format, zenaisms, BE.LIVE Zena C.

Looking Back At Those L’s I Took…

Why is this important…Mainly because THIS IS A LESSON I have picked up along my own journey. A lesson of how to turn your losses into usable data. I have come to realize that, what is seen publicly is a “highlight reel”, compared to what has actually occurred. Only you know your journey — period.

Looking Back @ Those L’s I Took…

“We often get so caught up on the “negative” side of a situation that we overlook how the various trials we encounter can actually be repurposed for our betterment.”

As I take a pause to reflect on the journey I have been on, I take a moment to look back at all the L’s (losses) I’ve taken along the way.

💫 Losses that have been silent.

💫 Losses that have been lonely.

💫 Losses that I did my best to conceal.

💫 Losses that I now realize…I may have worn too well.

At some point along my merry way, I convinced the world that I was unbreakable. Or maybe it was the world that convinced me that I couldn’t be seen as vulnerable. Regardless, I was placed into a category of being able to wield superhuman strength and ability. Looking back…it was an unfair expectation for me.

When things get dark,

you learn to wield your own luminescent light.

With hindsight being 20/20…I suppose that the conclusions that were drawn about me are somewhat true. When things get dark, you learn to wield your own luminescent light. When things get dark, we all seek “something” to pull us through. My “something” was and always will be The Creator. 

I was taught to “strike a match” when my losses seemed unbearable. No, I’m not referencing a physical match. I am imagining, or manifesting, a metaphorical match. Something that I could use to light the darkness that I may have felt was engulfing me. If you can imagine the size and purpose of a match — they are small, lightweight and are usually packed into any basic survival kit. So to imagine myself, in a space, being surrounded by darkness…I could always reach into my personal toolkit and muster the light I may have needed at that given time. 

visual collage of lighting a match. An unused match, a lit match, and a used match.

again…this is a “metaphorical” match.

Why is this important…

Mainly because THIS IS A LESSON I have picked up along my own journey. A lesson of how to turn your losses into usable data. I have come to realize that, what is seen publicly is a “highlight reel”, compared to what has actually occurred. Only you know your journey — period.

When I chose to take a moment and reflect on all of my “L’s”; I laid them all out on the table — they really began to add up…the dots begin to connect. I began to see how my “losses” were actually adding up to be powerful life lessons. Lessons that I could reapply over and over and over again — each time, creating a greater perspective or vantage point.

Again…why is this important?

ZEMC staring into the camera solemnly

…because it’s doable. I’ve done it…and I continue to work through this self-reflecting process on a daily basis. We often get so caught up on the “negative” side of a situation that we overlook how the various trials we encounter can actually be repurposed for our betterment. 

PLUS I constantly have amazing folks sliding into my inbox inquiring about “what’s my secret”. So I decided to pen an eBook. A self-help book titled How To Remain Positive. This super quick read outlines the five (5) balance practices I personally have adopted to assist me with my track record of bounce backs. These five (5) practices in tandem with my unwavering faith in a source greater than I, of course.

While looking back at those L’s I took…I can smile, I can give thanks and I can continue my trek forward. Everyone’s journey is different but the fact that you are the only one in control of you, speaks volumes about who you are to become.

If you are interested in a copy of my eBook How To Remain Positive, please click here. This text is loaded with perspectives and exercises that you can start implementing today. Oh, and please don’t skip the preface…it will set the tone for the entire text.

I look forward to hearing all about those losses you flipped into lessons.

Peace + Love,
Zena C. | The GR8TNESS Router
✨ ✨ ✨

Special Thanks + Disclosure: Thank you C. LeMar Divens for the header image photography (and photoshoot). You are a rising star ⭐️ . Location: North Carolina

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A Prayer For You

I suck at public prayers but trying times require us all to reach beyond our comfort zones. Therefore, please accept this prayer as a token of LOVE, PEACE and POSITIVITY. Share this with whomever you feel could use a dose of unconditional love. [Audio Available] 🔊

Peace + Love to the GREAT reading this message.

I suck at public prayers but trying times require us all to reach beyond our comfort zones. Therefore, please accept this prayer as a token of LOVE, PEACE and POSITIVITY.

Share this with whomever you feel could use a dose of unconditional love.

Dear Creator of ALL Things,

I pray that you cover the individual reading this message, hearing this message or even feeling this message with your everlasting and unconditional love. 

I pray that you give them the strength to feel beyond the darkness that envelops their being. Give them the vision necessary to see through the fog that hinders physical sight. Give them the ability to acknowledge the path that they travel and the opportunity to navigate towards the safety and balance to which they journey. 

We turn to you, as your children, your creations — for protection. We have no idea what lies beyond the fog that appears to trap us…but we ask for your grace and love as we move forward in our individual (and collective) journeys. 

We give thanks for your presence. We give thanks for your protection. We give thanks for your unconditional love. Please continue to guide us, as you always have.

Amen. Asé. Dua.
To The One Most High

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